The Gun Chronicles: A Story of America is a documentary film directed by Tasha Van Zandt that follows the creation of the artist JR’s Emmy-Nominated video mural project, Guns In America, in collaboration with TIME Magazine. For the project, the team traveled throughout the country documenting varied perspectives on gun control from local communities.
It’s a truly American story: 325 million people, more than 265 million guns, 35,000 deaths a year and one 227-year-old constitutional right. In three U.S. cities profoundly affected by guns - Dallas, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. - the team invited people to share their views, describe their experiences, and search for common ground. The project documents hunters and activists, teachers and police officers, parents and children - and joins together these varied perspectives in one work of art.
Learning to listen.
Individuals were filmed independently in slow motion, interacting with other participants in the mural, creating a living artwork which vividly depicts the issue of gun rights and gun violence. Each side of the issue is represented by individuals and groups sharing their stories and visual interactions. After the creation of the mural, director Tasha Van Zandt traveled on behalf of JR’s team with the team at Picture Motion where the live video mural was projected all around the U.S. to unite conversations.